
We recognize that illness and/or trauma place an individual in a vulnerable position and placing trust in another person to help is an intensely personal decision.  The confidentiality of client health is of utmost importance in achieving a level of trust and satisfaction.  We accept and honor where clients are in their healing journey and offer them an open ear without judgment.

We recognize that the healing process is unique for each person and we passionately believe all healing is holistic, encompassing mind, body, and spirit.  We believe healthcare is not something that is practiced on a person, but rather a joint venture between practitioner and client. 

We are committed to dedicating our skill, energy, and resources towards the ongoing process of educating and empowering clients to take a more active role in their healthcare.

We will treat all clients with kindness, compassion, and respect. We will work hard to preserve each client’s dignity as they proceed through the process of regaining their health.

We are committed to offering the highest quality healthcare encompassing a variety of medical disciplines, so each client has a choice as to the best way to regain their most precious of assets – health of their mind, body, and spirit!



The Red Barn Wellness Collective supports integrative medicine and aims to combine holistic health with traditional medical practices to help bridge the gap between clients and their healthcare practitioners. Our goals are achieved through our network of dedicated professionals, volunteers, board members, sponsors and the community.



Collaboration, Inclusion, Accountability, Leadership, Personal Wellness, Integrity, Respect, Trust, Confidentiality, The Art of Play, Empowerment